Recap: Women in Data 2nd edition 💟
For our 2024 edition of the ‘Women in Data’ event we came together on march 28th with a bunch of talented people! We dove into topics like Hyperdimensional Computing, the latest trends in data-world, but also into personal stories of inspiring experts who've found their path in this interesting side of technology! 🌷

After last year’s successful edition of the Women in Data event, we’ve decided to repeat it this year thanks to the support of MIVB-STIB, Colruyt Group and UAntwerpen as main sponsors, and Kohera, EpicData and Christelijke Mutualiteit as Bronze sponsors! Discover actual job openings by just clicking on the sponsor's names. :D
The event was hosted by one of our amazing Clusity ambassadors: Saja Tawalbeh. Saja started by explaining the immense impact diversity in data and AI teams has on the bias in the algorithms and datasets we use to build our applications and tools these days.
Our first keynote then, was given by Florence Somers (Colruyt Group). Florence has been in the role of Data Science Engineer for the past 4 years, and has been with Colruyt Group for over 12 years. From statistical programming to data warehousing and functional analysis, Florence shared her wisdom and path of over 23 years in the data world!
The second keynote was on Hyperdimensional Computing by Laura Smets (UAntwerpen). She is a PhD researcher in computer science at IDLab (imec – UAntwerp) where she conducts research on energy efficient AI. Because of the rising interest in wearable IoT, near-sensor AI applications, and on-device processing, there is a considerable need for energy-efficient algorithms.
Nele Gerrits (imec) followed up with the 3rd talk of the evening. As a senior researcher and expert AI and health, she has expertise in applying deep learning on medical images and was involved in setting up spinoff company that commercializes deep learning models that detect eye diseases. Nowadays she plays a significant role in setting up collaborations within the drug design and discovery domain.
For the fourth and final keynote we had a duo: Coralie Pevenage and Catherine Rezette (MIVB-STIB). They talked about navigating the Data Route of public transport. Coralie and Catherine explained the data-driven transformation at STIB.
And as per usual, we finished the evening with our 1:1 speed networking. 💟
Thanks🤩 to all participants and partners for making this evening a succes!
Below you can find the pictures and presentations of the evening:
🖱 Click here for the presentation of Florence Somers
🖱 Click here for the presentation of Laura Smets
🖱 Click here for the presentation of Nele Gerrits
🖱 Click here for the presentation of Coralie Pevenage and Catherine Rezette
(Click on the pictures to enlarge them! Right mouse click to save them. Feel free to use the photo’s on social media - and tag us @Clusity😊)
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